Friday, March 1, 2013

One month! Detox complete?

Yay we made it through a whole month of food allergy elimination dieting! Gwen has done an amazing job and continues to eat whatever I can come up with for her. Some days she likes it, other days not so much. So I am still learning. One thing I need to work on is keeping snacks available in the car and in my purse for weekends and unplanned shopping trips etc. She also hasn't seemed to like any of the snack cracker/chips that I pack for her at school. They keep sending them home with notes saying she didn't like them.

I got the March meal calendar for her school. There was much copying and pasting from this month and even some things duplicated throughout the week. I haven't looked at her final printed version but when she emailed it to me, the cook had pizza scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday next week, and chicken noodle soup for 2 days the following week. If she didn't correct this, then at least it will be easy meal planning for me! Just make double batches this weekend and I'll be set!

Gwen has been liking to help me in the kitchen alot. Usually just stirring or pouring things for me. It doesn't seem to get her any more or less excited about her food. She just likes to help!

Her rash continues to look about the same,which is still much better than it was a month ago.

My lesson learned from last week is to stay away from gluten at the very least. It appears I can have some chocolate if there's no gluten in it, and some ice cream and some cream in my coffee. Let's face it, I'm almost 8 months pregnant and there were some theories I desperately needed to test when Gwen wasn't around! I'm ok with just keeping the portions of these things small just to satisfy a craving for a while. I had some girlscout cookies last week and after just 3 got a bad headache. Then I continued to eat them and added on a pizza later. The headache only got worse and turned into a 3 day long migraine that I could not get rid of. I will stay away from those things and from eating large portions of food that might possibly give me a problem. It may taste good momentarily but the side effects last much longer than the gratification. If only everyone on a diet experienced bad side effects when they ate the bad food, it would be so easy for everyone to lose weight!

My doctor said I only gained 2oz in the last two weeks, even after my pizza and cookie bender last weekend. That was exciting. I'm positive I'm gaining all the appropriate baby weight while possibly shedding some excess fat from eating all this healthy food.

Here's to a great and healthy March for all!

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